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Our purpose isto offerproductivity and economyto our customers, that's why we work with a mix of alternative steel products, developed to increase metallic yield, reduce coal consumption and generate greater production in pig iron blast furnaces.

Estamos construindoum mundo melhor.png
We buy ferrous waste generated in the production ofpig iron and steel

We transform ferrous tailings into raw materials Through the beneficiation process, we make these residues fit for industrial consumption and prevent incorrect disposal in the environment.


To our waste supplier we guarantee the correct destination and extra income for your waste. To our customers, with the ferrous waste transformed into raw material, we provide productive and financial savings.


Some types of materials we buy and process:

- Scale

- melt shop sludge

- Yard cleaning earth 

- Bay bottom

Do you have a material with ferrous content, even if it is contaminated with other metals or waste, and you don't know how to dispose of it?Contact us, we will find a solution together.

Lama de Aciaria
Terra de limpeza de pátios
Fundo de baias
Finos de Minério de Ferro
Alternative materials forSteel and Foundries
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We call it alternative because they are products capable of replacing non-renewable raw materials, such as iron ore, with the same quality and operational results. 

We sell:

- Pig and steel granules

- Pig iron and steel pellet

- Pig Iron Scrap

Granulados de gusa e aço
Chumbinhos de gusa e aço
Sucata de ferro gusa

The Stuff of the Future! Our briquettes were developed by an experienced team with high knowledge of the pig iron chain. We seek the best raw materials on the market to develop the best briquette.

We offer two briquette lines:

Auto reducers:capable of reducing charcoal consumption by up to 10% and reducing the phosphorus (S) content.

Metal yield: high iron content to increase metallic yield.

Discover our Briquetting service:


We understand that industrial waste has become a major challenge for the steel and mining industry, especially powdered waste, which despite having high levels of metals cannot be returned to production or sale due to their granulometry. The best solution in these cases is Briquetting, thinking about it, we offer the briquetting service.

© 2022 by Alfa Metálicos. 

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